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"Innovate & Educate, Creative Bulletine News!" Episode 24: "Having the desire to overcome adversities and conveying our particular needs, will always facilitate our teaching practice!"

Foto del escritor: Ivette Foster GarcíaIvette Foster García

On episode 24 of "Innovate & Educate, Creative Bulletin News", we will end this second season by reflecting on our self-care and our personal and professional wellbeing. To this end, we will learn from Pedro García.

Pedro is a Physics and Chemistry teacher of the Secondary and High School stages of formal education.

He will open his heart to share with all of us an event that has changed his own way to overcome a health problem, and how fortunate he feels for trying to keep the positivity and spirit to move on, work on it and letting himself be assisted by his speech therapist.

His honesty and openness to explain to his students the reasons for not raising the tone and volume of his voice, have enabled him to empathise and interact with them in a more approachable way.

Besides, he shares how fortunate he is for being supported by the educational centre which has provided him with the physical and logistical aids to make his teaching possible.

This is a conversation that, will certainly bring to all the educational agents, who use their voice as their main instrument, the relevance of valuing their magnificent labour from a different and more constructive perspective.

Happy Holidays to all and see you in 2025!!!

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