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  • Foto del escritorIvette Foster García

"Innovate and Educate, Creative Bulletin News" Episode 8:"A Present Teacher, Thinks with the Heart and Feels with the Mind."

On this 8th episode of "Innovate and Educate, Creative Bulletin News", we will learn about the importance of being present with our students throughout the contribution of an outstanding teacher.

Her name is Rebeca Pérez Campo, and she will emphasize about the importance of training ourselves to think with our hearts and feel with our minds so we can attend our children the best way we can.

Rebeca will also share with us possible strategies that we can try as teachers, to help our younger students and their families in the process of adjustment once they start their schooling.

Finally, we will learn about the reasons that took her to write her fairy tales collection "Salacadula", and how she is picking up the fruits of an unexpected success.

I am sure that you will get moved by Rebeca´s spontaneity and open heart!!!

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