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Innovate and Educate, Creative Bulletin News. Episode 19: “No Matter the Subject that you Teach, count on the Micellaneous that you have achieved!!”

Foto del escritor: Ivette Foster GarcíaIvette Foster García

Actualizado: 10 oct 2024

In episode 19 of "Innovate and Educate Creative Bulletin News", we will talk about the importance of motivating our students in the learning of core subjects such as Language Arts and Mathematics. Alodia Gaudier, will share with us her creative and practical strategies in the primary education classroom.

Alodia will talk about the benefits of enriching the vocabulary of our students, trying to lose the fear of teaching our wonderful language by trusting that this enrichment background will benefit them in their future communicative skills, their reading comprehension and written expression.

In addition, we will reflect on how crucial it is in mathematics to instruct them to order and process mathematical operations, respecting the different rhythms and transmitting the confidence and security they need, and in particular, to consider those children with greater difficulty. Then Alodia will transmit her enthusiasm and will reveal how she uses every opportunity inside and outside the classroom to attract her students' attention so that various learning processes are achieved in a more tangible and closer way, opening a range that leads them to get in touch with their own reality.

Finally, she invites all of us educators not to lose sight of the fact that our teaching work is much more satisfactory when it is shared with the rest of our colleagues, considering how important it is to adopt a flexible, open and cheerful attitude.

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